7 ways to beat artist’s block

Creativity does wonders for your mental health. So, it’s no wonder that when you wake up in the morning and sit down to work and the creativity isn’t there, the spiral of self-doubt begins. Perhaps the words just aren’t coming… visually something is missing… or maybe you can’t put your finger on exactly what’s wrong.

But don’t worry, it’s normal – it happens to us all. If you’re looking for ways to get out of your creative rut, why not try out some of our different ways to find inspiration and see what works for you?

Change Your Environment

One of the easiest changes to make when you’re feeling uninspired is to change your physical environment. For many of us, lockdown might restrict our options. However, changing your environment can be as easy as moving into a different room, setting up your desk in front of a window – or even putting on some music and lighting a candle. Just don’t leave it unattended 😉

Try Something New

If you find that you’re hitting a creative roadblock, now might be the time to pursue a new hobby. From experimenting with different recipes in the kitchen to writing a short story – or trying out watercolours instead of acrylics. Have a go at something you wouldn’t consider yourself to be a ‘pro’ at. By putting yourself out there you’ll not only give yourself a break from your usual practice, but you’ll probably find that you unleash more creativity in another area.

Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts became an ally for many last year, which saw 2020 crowned as the ‘golden age of podcasts’. You can find one for almost anything these days so it can be hard to know where to start – but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! A few of our favourite creative and art-based podcasts: include Artcurious, 99% Invisible, Raw Material, and Talk Art


How many times has a problem been solved simply by talking it through? The same goes for creative blocks. Sometimes the energy that other people bring to a conversation can have a really positive impact. Asking your social media followers for thoughts, feedback or even suggestions is a great way to kick start a conversation!

Start a Moodboard

Start collecting as many ideas as you possibly can! Perhaps it’ll take shape in a Pinterest board, or magazine cut outs – but before you know it, you’ll be flooded with inspiration and ideas again.

Pen and Paper at the Ready

Keeping an notebook close to jot down ideas is a great way to be creative throughout your daily life. You can fill it with quotes, doodles, or even a paragraph about what you did that day. The important thing to remember is to not overthink it. Let your mind wander… and play.

Don’t Force It

Whilst there are lots of things you can try, forcing yourself to be creative shouldn’t be one of them. The last thing you want is to try harder and for the ideas to become flatter and flatter. Sometimes, the best thing to do is step away for a bit. Everyone needs a break now and again. So, take the time to relax, enjoy yourself and come back later. Time away might be exactly what you need in order to be restored and inspired.

Image credit: Happy Fluff Comics

Bright & Beautiful

Colours are powerful. They’re not just pretty or expressive – they make us feel, think, and react.

Did you think CEOs just shut their eyes and throw a dart at a rainbow to pick their brand colours? Maybe just went for their favourite one?

When it comes to organisations, artwork, horticulture… almost anything… colours aren’t random. There’s a science. Here’s a little insight into colour – and how they can influence us:

This is a passionate, strong, and emotive colour. It can signify all sorts of strong and exciting sensations, including danger, love and fire.

A calming colour that suggests peace, loyalty and tranquility – although it’s also often associated with sadness and melancholy. Blue is a collected colour, and a great choice for businesses as it can increase productivity and organisation.

Sunny and friendly, yellow is also a neutral colour and often chosen by to-be parents that don’t know the sex of their baby. Yellow is inviting and friendly, however it can also be associated with warnings and hazards.

Occasionally associated with royalty and wealth, purple also provokes feelings of wisdom, magic and spirituality.

Like the leaves on a tree, green is often linked to nature, freshness and good health. Alternatively, green is also connected to positivity and confirmation – such as ‘green means go’.

Regardless of its shade, pink regularly echoes sweetness, sophistication and care. Similar to the passionate qualities of red – but with a more empathetic tone.

Like the potency of the colour itself, black signifies strength, power and formality. Choosing black as a key brand colour also depicts formality and security.

Considered as a simple, honest and innocent shade, white can also provoke feelings of openness and integrity.

Why not send one of these colourful Moments to a friend and see how it makes them feel? Download the Momentful app on iOS and Android today!

Winners Announced!

5th February 2021

After three months of extended deliberation, and a great deal of nail biting, our panel of judges have finally decided on a winner.

For those who have not been following the drama as it unfolded… here’s a quick re-cap:

Our ‘This is the Moment…’ film competition was launched in the middle of last year’s pandemic. It called for amateur and first-time filmmakers to help people combat the lockdown blues and submit homemade movies about what it was like being isolated from those who matter to us the most.

A few months later, after meticulously reviewing the entries from Momentful users and the public at large, the judges arrived with the following results… (cue drum roll):


A very familiar tale of lockdown blues where COVID-19 seems set to ruin a special birthday. However, the ingenuity in an emergency can never be underestimated as a friend comes to the rescue with an unexpected surprise to save the day.

Change the Circumstances by Joshua Black stood out to us as a winner. The way the film genuinely uplifted us all and left us with a warm glow clearly demonstrated it was a film that had true heart and had met the brief.”


A heart-breaking tale about the lengths a mother will go to, to protect her ill son from the dangers of COVID-19. What seems like a desperate story of sacrifice and loneliness, delivers a tear-jerking finale. Watch with tissues at the ready!

“We wish every idiot not wearing a mask right now could be forced to watch this film. It’s original, thought-provoking, impactful and so poignant – some of us cried… a worthy runner-up.”


As the pandemic grips the lives of billions of people worldwide, one woman feels the pressure of impending joblessness and homelessness. Is fate destined to deal a final cruel blow? Or is hope and salvation to be found at the very last minute?

“A great storyline that kept you captivated all the way. And some pretty nifty dance moves thrown in at the crescendo. Hard not to enjoy!”


A familiar feeling of dread we can all relate to as an important anniversary looks like might have been forgotten. But luckily there’s a get-out-of-jail-free card that can save the day. Or can it….?

“This was definitely the most original and the most silly entry of them all. And given the circumstances we’re in – it was exactly what we all needed. Well done!”


A very contemporary storyline of man and 21st-century technology. Do we control it, or is controlling us? Do we even really know for sure…?

“As a film it was quite sweet and quite neat. Charming and flirtatious but without crossing the line.”

The winning film, Change the Circumstances by Joshua Black, and two highly commended, were picked out from hundreds of entries by an illustrious panel of expert judges, including:

John Wilson: British film editor John Wilson’s works include Billy Elliot (2000), The History Boys (2006) The Book Thief (2013), London Road (2014) and Me Before You (2016).

James Macfarlane: James is a leading lecturer at London University in Advanced Digital Publishing Technology and Platforms. He is also a resident judge at the SetSquared Young Business of the Year, as well as University Young Entrepreneur.

Tracy Edwards MBE: Explorer and winner of the 1998 Jules Verne Trophy for the ‘fastest circumnavigation around the world with no stopping and no outside assistance’, Tracy and her all-female crew also broke seven world records. She was the first woman to receive the Yachtsman of the Year Trophy.

Jo Hemmings: Jo Hemmings is a Behavioural Psychologist and a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS). She specialises in media analysis as well as a being a relationship coach and TV and radio personality.

Suzy Edward, CEO, explains how blown away all the team at Momentful were with the response to the competition: “I want to put out BIG HUGS to everyone who submitted an entry to the competition. There was an incredible outpouring of emotion and talent in each and every film. Now that the films can be made public for all to see, I’m thrilled that everyone will get to enjoy them as much as we have.”

John Wilson, one of the UK’s leading film editors (Billy Elliot, The History Boys, The Book Thief) and our Chair of Judges says: “It really was a pleasure to be part of judging the ‘This is the Moment…’ film competition. The panel felt that the overall quality of the finalists’ submissions was both impressive and highly entertaining. It’s a shame there had to be a winner.”

Jo Hemmings is a Behavioral Psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society, specialising in media analysis as well as a being a TV and radio personality and dating expert. She says: “This last year has affected every single one of us. Anxiety, stress, uncertainty and in many cases, grief have touched us all. As humans, we all use different mechanisms to deal with these unfamiliar emotions, particularly after coping for such a long-term haul. These films present a great example of unique human engagement through the medium of seeing others’ outlooks – and, at the same time, bring a welcome level of support, entertainment and comfort in these isolating times.”