Bright & Beautiful

Colours are powerful. They’re not just pretty or expressive – they make us feel, think, and react.

Did you think CEOs just shut their eyes and throw a dart at a rainbow to pick their brand colours? Maybe just went for their favourite one?

When it comes to organisations, artwork, horticulture… almost anything… colours aren’t random. There’s a science. Here’s a little insight into colour – and how they can influence us:

This is a passionate, strong, and emotive colour. It can signify all sorts of strong and exciting sensations, including danger, love and fire.

A calming colour that suggests peace, loyalty and tranquility – although it’s also often associated with sadness and melancholy. Blue is a collected colour, and a great choice for businesses as it can increase productivity and organisation.

Sunny and friendly, yellow is also a neutral colour and often chosen by to-be parents that don’t know the sex of their baby. Yellow is inviting and friendly, however it can also be associated with warnings and hazards.

Occasionally associated with royalty and wealth, purple also provokes feelings of wisdom, magic and spirituality.

Like the leaves on a tree, green is often linked to nature, freshness and good health. Alternatively, green is also connected to positivity and confirmation – such as ‘green means go’.

Regardless of its shade, pink regularly echoes sweetness, sophistication and care. Similar to the passionate qualities of red – but with a more empathetic tone.

Like the potency of the colour itself, black signifies strength, power and formality. Choosing black as a key brand colour also depicts formality and security.

Considered as a simple, honest and innocent shade, white can also provoke feelings of openness and integrity.

Why not send one of these colourful Moments to a friend and see how it makes them feel? Download the Momentful app on iOS and Android today!

Around the World in 7 Artists

We’re so proud that our fabulous artists come from all over the world – so we’ve decided to talk about them here, and the countries they’re from!

James Booker
Queensland, Australia

James offers an abundance of colourful, over-the-top and often out-there collages. Branching out from writing and illustration in 2010, James launched Random Galaxy, adopting his techniques to begin developing a photo-manipulation collage style of art.

Rebecca Elfast
Gothenburg, Sweden

Rebecca is an illustrator and surface pattern designer. Producing artwork that is fun and colourful, she works with a mix of handmade and digital techniques. Ink and watercolour are her favourite media and the layered, transparent principles of those techniques are often visible in her digital work as well.

Josephine Wall
Dorset, United Kingdom

Josephine specialises in mystical, surreal-like, fantasy paintings. Inspired by greats such as Magritte and the pre-Raphaelites, she often strives to impart a message in her scenes, and inspire her audience to take a personal journey into her magical world.

Steve Spazuk
Quebec, Canada

In a technique he refers to as “fumage,” Steven Spazuk has reinvented traditional artistic approaches, by painting with smoke. Since 2001, Spazuk has refined this skill – making the relationships between humans and the natural world his primary focus.

Schim Schimmel
Arizona, USA

For over 20 years, Schim has been painting in a style uniquely his own, expressing on canvas his love and awe for our incredible planet, its animals, and the universe that brought them into being. Through his work, Schim hopes to inspire others to be more conscious human beings living within a vulnerable ecosystem.

Happy Fluff Comics
Chennai, India

Akshara Ashok is the creator behind the hilariously popular Happy Fluff Comics. The much-loved series documents the life of Fluff, the girl next door unabashedly highlighting situations and problems we come across every day – but seldom discuss in public.

Vincent Hie
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Clarity, articulation and high attention to detail are key elements in Vincent’s work. Loving the beauty of shapes, forms, colours and sounds, Vincent made the switch from tradition tools to digital software back in the early 2000s.

If you want to check out the works of these, or any other of our artists, just hit ‘search’ and ‘browse our artists’ in app. Remember! Momentful is free to download on both iOS and Android.