
White Water Divorcing

Thinking of shedding a few pounds this new year?

How about a hundred or so?

To some, January is statistically known as “divorce month” – and yep, you guessed it – that’s because this month many individuals will choose to unload their excess baggage – aka their marriage.

At the start of a new year it’s not uncommon for us to find ourselves unpicking and re-evaluating our lives: identifying unfulfilled expectations and looking where we can chop off the dead wood and avoid further disillusionment in the coming year – because this one is going to be life-changing right? Right?!

For those contemplating a divorce, the promise of a huge weight being lifted from their shoulders might blinker them to the ups and downs of the journey they’re about to embark upon… so here’s a passenger safety announcement:

Divorce is a bit like white water rafting: it’s confusing, nauseating, utterly terrifying, and can make breathing difficult. You’re likely to find yourself in uncomfortably deep water, or turned upside down in the rapids (with or without a safety vest!) and you’ll most definitely come out the other side cold, shivering and in need of a warm blanket round your shoulders and a cuddle.

If you know someone gearing up for their own “rafting adventure”, get a towel ready. They’ll need you.

Here are some cuddles you can send in the form of Moments to show your love and support:

8 January, 2020.