Have Pride

Have Pride

In case anyone is wondering where all this talk about Pride has come from, here’s a brief summary:

Pride is a commemoration of the Stonewall riots of the late 1960s. These events were the spark that galvanised the LGBTQ+ (then gay) community to promote activism for equal rights. Pride became a celebration of the bravery of those who were otherwise persecuted by the law and social pressure (and sadly, many still are to this day). The fight was for freedom of sexual and/or gender identification. Right, now that we’ve dealt with housekeeping – let’s get down to business. What does Pride mean today?

In a word, Pride is f**** awesome! It celebrates individuality and uniqueness on an immense scale. People all over the world, stand in the face of persecution and tyranny and express their unbridled joy at being oneself: wholly, freely and without reserve or judgement. It’s wonderful, and….the parade has been cancelled this year due to COVID 🙂

However… this doesn’t mean that “Pride” itself has been cancelled, so don’t fold up the bunting or put away your NHS rainbows quite yet! There’s a whole bunch of ways we can celebrate Pride Month this June from the comfort of own homes. Many of the world’s favourite artists, musicians and other content creators are LGBTQ+. So, there is an abundance of creative forms to draw from there to get the celebration started. Crack open the bubbly, get a feather boa on and have your own drag-house party!

This is a month when we can all celebrate our diversity and individuality and feel acceptance and love. One day, we might not need a set-piece month for us to feel our best unique selves, free of persecution. Until then – let’s party like it’s 1969!

Send one of our Pride Moments today!