From this evening until sundown tomorrow (Oct 8-9th), members of the Jewish community will observe Yom Kippur through prayer, fasting and repentance. Also known as ‘The Day of Atonement’, Yom Kippur is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.
Jewish or not, there are some universal lessons which we could all take from Yom Kippur. We are all capable of mistakes. We’ve all done wrong. And we all certainly have had something to apologise for.
But apologising doesn’t guarantee us forgiveness for things we’ve done, and the act of apologising shouldn’t be about achieving that – why should a person that we have wronged owe us anything?
When we are truly and genuinely sorry, we acknowledge what we’ve done and do our best to make up for it, often doing more than just hiding behind the word “sorry”. We can hope the forgiveness will come with time, and we’ll know to avoid making the same mistakes again.
So here you are – the perfect Moments to help you start the process of being sorry:

8 October, 2019.