
We are proud to offer customers a range of affordable paying options to match their everyday usage of Be Momentful.

These are:

  • Send one Moment digital card for £0.79 to any device anywhere in the world – useful for those one-off greetings. Sorted.
  • Or for more frequent use (more than 2 a month), opt for a monthly subscription. For £1.99 per month you can send up to 30 Moment digital cards per month – that’s about one a day! For the price of an average greetings card you can literally send dozens of premium cards to your friends, family and colleagues Better medicine than an apple!
  • Or for sending invitations and announcements, you can opt for a Group Send allowing you to send the same Moment digital card to up to 12 contacts at a time for just £1.99. So you can spread the word for round about £0.17 per contact. Bargain! (please note: Group Send is a separate feature and NOT included in our subscription offer.
  • We also offer a limited selection of freebie cards (search for ‘freebie’ in app) especially for those new customers just wanting to test the water before committing to paying. And why not try before you buy?

Once you install and register, your purchasing is synced via your i-Tunes or Google Play account, so you can get going at the rate that suits you AND you can alter your package at ANY time. It couldn’t be simpler and more trusted.

Be Momentful offers you incredible value when compared to the prices of purchasing and posting traditional greetings cards or paper e-cards. Not only that – Be Momentful is a paper-free app that helps us all do our bit to conserve resources and reduce waste. Of course, recycling is good – by why create the waste in the first place? So, save money AND save the planet with Be Momentful.  For more information on registering and payments – go to our FAQ site here.