Pet to pet

Pet to Pet

The Beatles once sang: “I get by with a little help from my friends…” and that has never been more true than today. But what about our hairy little chums at home? How are they coping with lockdown without their furry friends to help them get by?

Now, if your dog or cat had opposable thumbs and access to your mobile phone what missives might they be sending their wee chums? We’ve put our creative team to good use and asked them to imagine what Moments our pets might want to send to their chums if they could. And they came up with some butt-sniffing, post scratching and other pet-to-pet-related themes to test the idea out. See what delightful messages they came up with:

“Long time no pee on your lamp post. Ah… missing good times! xx”
“OK, I love you, but it’s my turf. Don’t forget……… xx”
“What’s this ‘lockdown’ thing?? Fancy running away together… Dreaming of it xx”
“My master bought me a new bed. Wish you could snuggle-up in it with me. Luv ya! xx”

So there you have it, if your pet could use your Be Momentful app, they’d be running riot through your credits. And providing a lesson to us all: keep the butt-sniffing up! Try these Moments to keep in touch with your friends AND THEIR PETS!