Interview with Faye Guanipa

We sat down to chat with artist and surface pattern designer, Faye Guanipa, to learn about how she became an artist, what inspires her and how she stays creative…

What’s your background and how did you become an artist?

I’ve been drawing since I was very little. I’d say I was an artist even back then! Professionally though, I’ve been working as an illustrator and surface pattern designer for over 8 years.

How would you describe your own work?

Very vibrant with happy colour palettes. Plus there’s lots of texture and heavy vintage vibes.

Who are your biggest influences?

I am inspired by a lot of mid-century artists and illustrators. Mary Blair who did children’s book illustrations is a favourite, as well as textile artist Tammis Keefe textile, and Charley Harper, to name a few.

Where do you seek inspiration?

Vintage home décor and art, as well as nature, and film.

What keeps you creative?

I try to make time and draw a little even when I don’t feel like it. I have a busy life with 3 kids at home, so I can’t always draw daily, but I try as best I can to get close to that.

What do you do if you find yourself stuck in a creative rut?

When I need to i’ll step away. That means away from being online, away from my work. Whatever I need to get away from, i’ll do it in order to get a fresh perspective and the get rest and refreshment I need.

Talk us through your creative process

When I am working on a commission or project, first I seek out inspiration – looking at old pieces of work for drawing styles, getting ideas for colour palettes, or the feel of the piece that I want to portray, etc.

Then I sketch, sketch, sketch. Once I am happy with my sketches and ideas I move onto producing a colour sketch – so a rough version of what the final piece will look like fully rendered, and then I just dive in to the final piece and see where it takes me.

What memorable responses have you had about your work?

People often comment on my use of colours and textures which is lovely.

What’s the one piece of equipment in your kit you couldn’t live without?

For now, my iPad and Apple Pencil. I hope to move into more traditional materials as soon as I can dedicate the time – aka when all the kids are in school and I have more time in my studio.

If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self – what would it be?

Appreciate where you are now. Write down your goals so that you can look back and see how far you’ve come. And don’t “despise these small beginnings”.

How did you feel when you first saw your work published in app?

Loved it!

Which is your favourite moment of yours that’s available in app?

Mr. Frog is my absolute fav.

Explore Moments from Faye Guanipa by downloading the Momentful app today on iOS and Android.