We’ve probably all been a bit of a Pinocchio at some point in our life; telling little fibs that we think we’ll get away with…
Perhaps we had a good reason for telling a porky-pie? Maybe it was protecting someone else’s feelings? Or protecting our own? Or maybe we were just caught out in the moment and panicked?
Recent behavioural studies have shown that on average we lie about 10 times a week! But what should one say when faced with the question “does my bum look big in this?”
One way or another, white lies and massive falsehoods alike, are all inextricably linked to the bond of trust in any relationship – with spouses, family, friends or those at work. Lies (or “avoidance of the truth”, to use a handy euphemism), can be hugely corrosive and can eat away at the fabric of a healthy relationship and eventually destabilise it.
Now… far be it from us to lecture our dear readers in matters of morality – after all, everything goes in Be Momentful – but it might serve us all better if perhaps, from time to time, we put our hands up and admit we weren’t telling the truth? Think of it as relationship insurance: you may screw your no-claims bonus – but coming clean on occasion does ensure you at least keep the relationship on the road.

10 September, 2019.