Checking In

This time of year can be really difficult for some – do you know anyone who needs checking in on?
A straight-forward ‘how are you?’ is all it takes. No matter how long it’s been.

You might not know it, but you possess the magic power to make someone feel loved – to make them feel like they truly matter.

All it takes is a Moment.

A moment for checking in – for catching up. A moment to hear about what they’ve been up to – to hear about the good and the bad.

When you use that magic power, you inspire a little bit of magic in someone else… Maybe they’ll pass it on – they might take a moment to check in with someone else, or maybe to check in with you when you need it the most.

So, what are you waiting for? Take a Moment…

21 November, 2019.

Checking In Moments
Here’s a selection to choose from!

Get Well Soon

Holiday season is truly at an end. Colleagues have all returned from their vacations (including the October half term escapees) and are back behind their desks, bums on seats. Everyone has their head down, and the office is filled with the gentle chorus of fingers tapping on keyboards. There’s the click of a computer mouse here, an email pinging there – the productive sounds of office life (plus the occasional loud slurp of coffee – oh do be quiet Susan!).

Then suddenly, you hear it. A quiet sniffle… It’s nothing. Back to work.

The phone rings, while the printer hums – the harmonies of deals being made and contracts being signed. The clock ticks away, carrying the rhythm of a lunch break getting closer.

You hear it again. But this time it’s louder and followed by an almighty din. Like a lion’s roar, if the lion had stepped on a piece of Lego and sneezed at the same time. It’s Craig. He’s brought something gross back from his half term trip to Scotland. Something to share with everyone in the office.
No-one wants it. Damn you, Craig!

It’s a bit annoying when colleagues are ill as it means more work for everyone else, but perhaps we should try to be a little more sympathetic – a bigger person. Here are some handy Moments to send to the colleagues that can’t be with you in the office today; take a moment and think of them (as you double up your workload…).

11 November, 2019.

Get Well Soon Moments
Here’s a selection of ‘get well soon’ Moments to choose from.

To Good Health!

As we enter the colder, darker months, nasty bugs and viruses linger in the damp air around us, ready to swoop in through our breathing holes and make us snotty, exhausted and generally quite disgusting…

When the lurgy strikes, we all know the drill: send them to bed, tissues, grapes, orange juice and well wishes – and maybe a flower basket if it’s really bad.

But why wait?

If we really care about our friends, we ought to be wishing them good health before they succumb to the inevitable seasonal malady. We should slip them some fruit, toast to their well-being, and send them regular cards congratulating them on having and maintaining a clean bill of health.

Quick, get yourself on a Be Momentful subscription and liberally send “stay well” greetings to all those who matter. Here are some ideas for you to send:

4 November, 2019.

Stay Well Moments
Beat the bug and send a “stay well” Moment today!