Oops! Sorry I forgot your Birthday!

This month we will be exploring the theme of things we find really hard to say.

We kick off this week with a pretty straight-down-the-line look at those awful moments when we realise we forgot the birthday of someone close – like a dear friend or a family member.

Yep, we feel pretty wretched. Maybe we were tackling our own mini-dramas and the occasion totally slipped our mind… But it’s a poor show and really no excuse.

So, what do we say at this point? What are the options?

Plan A – Carry on regardless and pretend we didn’t miss a beat, hoping that chutzpa will carry us through, and when cornered on the matter later we can always say: “You’re kidding! My card didn’t arrive?! Damn that postal service!”

Plan B – Exaggerate our petty life drama into something more serious and momentous, to not only excuse our unintentional forgetfulness, but also steal the limelight in an act of conflated glory. Also known as “diversionary tactics”…

Plan C – Honesty is always the best policy. Why not just come clean and admit we’re a clot and feel awful for forgetting? Then make up by sending a belated birthday greeting from the sumptuous selection on offer in Be Momentful. Download the App!

Forgotten someone’s birthday?
Play it cool with Be Momentful!

1 September, 2019.