Meeting Follow Up

So that meeting went well, then?

You rocked up in your best blazer and your shiniest shoes. Handshakes were firm, eye contact was direct, but comfortable. They laughed at your jokes, they “ooohd” at your facts and they “ahhhd” at your figures.

It’s in the bag.

But what now?
A follow up after a meeting is more than just a nice touch – it’s a key step to reinforce and maintain a newly established business relationship. But with the average office worker receiving 121 emails per day, it can be difficult to stand out in their inbox… Wouldn’t it be nice if there was another way to drop them a message with a little more impact than an email…? (hint hint)

Post-Meeting Follow Up Moments
Keep the momentum with a post-meeting Moment! Here are a few you could try!

27 September, 2019.

Make a Bold Move

Swapping numbers with that special guy or gal is a huge first step in establishing a mutual interest in each other – even better if it’s actually their real number too!
It opens the door for some light-hearted conversation and some casual familiarisation…

So you love the same music? You enjoy the same films? You both agree on how to make the perfect cup of tea (milk in last, am I right?). It was meant to be.

All good so far – but what about the next big step? Let’s face it – a measly text just won’t cut it!
You need something more. Something bolder. Something with more impact.
You need to seize the moment.

No really, choose a Moment from the Be Momentful app and make your bold move…

Moments to help you Make a Bold Move
Tell him/her how you really feel! But with style.

23 September, 2019.

Quitting your Job

So, you’ve stuck it out for as long as you can and you just can’t take it any more…
You hate your job.

You know it’s bad when you lie awake in bed on a Sunday night agonizing over the thought of getting out of bed in the morning.

You know it’s really bad when you hope that you’ll be hit by a car on the way to work to stop you from having to show up at the office.

You know you need an urgent change when you have a minor mental breakdown in the toilets after your 9 o’clock meeting and need to be coaxed out by colleagues in order to make the next one…

Life is too short to spend 40 hours a week working in a place that makes you so miserable.
You are not a tree – if you don’t like where you are – MOVE.
You’ve got this.

Moments to help you break up with your Job
Here’s a selection of Moments to help you break up with your job.

18 September, 2019.

Leaving for Uni…

Know someone about to fly the nest and launch their uni career?

It’s not rocket science, but leaving home for the first time can be pretty scary and intimidating – taking one small step out of the family home, and one huge leap into their future, as they reach for the stars.

Use this Moment to wish them luck on their new adventure, to let them know you’re over the moon for them, and to assure them it’ll be out of this world!

Space Travel Moment by Luke Sheppard
Beam me up, Scotty!

Office Politics

Every office has its characters.

There’s the gossip, the clown, the optimist, the pessimist, the one that leaves at 4:55, the one who falls asleep during sales meetings, the one that loves stationery, and of course, the one who always needs to borrow a pen (you know who you are, Karen!)

All of us are different and bring something unique to a team. But sometimes our differences bring disagreements which can be hard to approach…

How do you tell your desk neighbour that you don’t want to listen to the distorted crackle of progressive nu-metal escaping from their headphones?

How do you confront the person who used the last of the milk then put the empty bottle back in the fridge?

How do you get your f***ing pen back from the vexatious cretin who “borrowed” it? (Please, Karen. Just please.)

Sometimes these things are hard to tackle, so soften your request with a handy Moment, perfect for harmonious interactions with colleagues.

(Except for you, Karen. I’m coming for my pen!)

Office Politics Moments
Try using one of these Moments from the Be Momentful app to tackle those difficult convos with colleagues.

16 September, 2019.

Friday 13th…

Watch out – it’s Friday 13th today!

Does that put shivers of fear down your spine?
Or is it just a load of superstitious claptrap as far as you’re concerned?

Some folks have a genuine fear of Friday 13th and hide under the bedcovers all day to avoid ladders, mirrors, black cats, doppelgängers and machete-wielding murderers in hockey-masks.
It’s a real condition called ‘Paraskevidekatriaphobia’. Folks in the US take the unlucky number 13 seriously enough and you won’t find many hotels or offices with a 13th floor. 

13 September, 2019.

Friday 13th
Use this Moment by Annabelle Gralton to warn others to watch their step today!

I lied…

We’ve probably all been a bit of a Pinocchio at some point in our life; telling little fibs that we think we’ll get away with…

Perhaps we had a good reason for telling a porky-pie? Maybe it was protecting someone else’s feelings? Or protecting our own? Or maybe we were just caught out in the moment and panicked?

Recent behavioural studies have shown that on average we lie about 10 times a week! But what should one say when faced with the question “does my bum look big in this?”

One way or another, white lies and massive falsehoods alike, are all inextricably linked to the bond of trust in any relationship – with spouses, family, friends or those at work. Lies (or “avoidance of the truth”, to use a handy euphemism), can be hugely corrosive and can eat away at the fabric of a healthy relationship and eventually destabilise it.

Now… far be it from us to lecture our dear readers in matters of morality – after all, everything goes in Be Momentful – but it might serve us all better if perhaps, from time to time, we put our hands up and admit we weren’t telling the truth? Think of it as relationship insurance: you may screw your no-claims bonus – but coming clean on occasion does ensure you at least keep the relationship on the road.

A selection of Moments from the Be Momentful app to help you apologise
Here are a few ‘grovely’ type Moments in the Be Momentful app to help you to put your hands up and admit you lied. Good luck!

10 September, 2019.

I’m Struggling…

One of the hardest things to say to a close friend or family member is, “I’m struggling”.

Whether that means struggling with your health, with finances, in your marriage, or just in life generally.

It’s partially our pride that holds us back – or not wishing to overburden others with our problems. Everyone has their own cross to bear, right? And besides… no-one can really help, so probably best keep it bottled up inside…

NO! NO! NO! Don’t be a jerk! Pulling up the drawbridge is totally the wrong thing to do. At best, it’s a temporary solution – because as they say, “the truth will out”. So, perhaps better to follow that other popular adage: “a problem shared is a problem halved”. And if that’s true, then a problem shared with a few people quarters it! And if you share it with loads of people… well… it practically goes away! Sound logic, right?

Seriously though, there is a strong ring of truth within the playfulness of our suggested philosophy. After all, if someone close to you told you they were struggling, what would you do? Probably anything you could, and more! That’s because our own problems always seem so vast to us – but in the eyes of others, they’re just obstacles that need to be overcome.

There’s no worse feeling in life than being alone. So, don’t be.
If you feel like you can’t cope, or know someone who looks like they’re struggling. Do the right thing. Reach out with a Moment and get the ball rolling…

11 September, 2019.

Back to School!!


The kids are back at school! 

It’s time to revel in the fact that it’s now someone else’s job to keep an eye on them during the weekdays – so, who are you going to celebrate with?

Moment from Northcliffe Collection
Send this Moment from the Be Momentful app

3 September, 2019.