Daft about Dogs

The human-canine bond has been built upon thousands of years of co-evolution. Throughout history, humans have provided food and shelter for our dog friends, who have in return helped and protected our species with unerring loyalty and mutual trust – which is envied by felines (probably…if they could be bothered…).

Dogs love us when we don’t love ourselves; they greet us with bounding enthusiasm when we feel we don’t deserve it, and they offer an affectionate paw to hold when we need it most.

So today, on International Dog Day (26th Aug), let’s put our paws together for our pup pals! For a huge range of dog-themed Moments, download the Be Momentful app!

26, August, 2019.

It’s Yorkshire Day

Yorkshire, the biggest English county, has given the world some wonderful things: the KitKat, Wensleydale Cheese, Sean Bean… and Be Momentful!

We’re really proud of where we’re from (like all Yorkshire folk, ee by gum!) so have got a special Moment inspired by God’s own country for you to send today, on Yorkshire Day. Spread some Yorkshire love!

Yorkshire Moment from Be Momentful
Spot the Yorkshire Roses!

1 August, 2019