Chelsea Flower Show

We’re slap-bang in the heart of springtime and every day is an assault of outrageous colour offered by the flowers and blooms around us! We LOVE it! 

Photos by our lucky CEO who is at the Chelsea Flower Show today!

22 May, 2019.

Show a Little Sass

Take your friendships to the next level with this sassy Moment from Grimm.

Honesty is always the best policy, so go on, express yourself!

You're everything I want in a Friend
Send this Moment in the Be Momentful app.

19 May, 2019.

Exam Season

Exam season has arrived for the next gen hopefuls going through school and college. You might recognise them by their sweaty-armpits and bulging eyeballs which scream exhaustion, laced with sheer panic! It may be tempting to avoid these poor creatures and just leave them to it, but actually, a bit of empathy can go a long way on such occasions…

Here’s the perfect message to help pick them up!

Browse the Be Momentful app for more heartfelt messages crafted by Angela Chick and other artists:

5 May, 2019.